NACPM State Chapters & Partners Program


The Value of a Collective Voice for Certified Professional Midwives

NACPM launched the State* Chapter Program in 2015! We expanded the program to include State/Territory Partners in 2025. Our purpose is to create a powerful and collective voice for all Certified Professional Midwives. Through the Chapter & Partner Program we will strengthen and support excellence in the profession and influence birth health policy to ensure that all childbearing people and babies have a healthy start.

Why Form a State Chapter or Become a State Partner?

A powerful, collective voice for Certified Professional Midwives enhances our ability to support and strengthen our profession, and to improve health policy nationwide. As our profession grows, a strong national association working with an effective network of NACPM Chapters and Partners supports the role of CPMs as primary perinatal care providers for childbearing people and their families in the United States. NACPM appreciates the opportunity to work with you to meet your state’s needs and challenges, to help you share with your peers how you have achieved your victories and addressed your challenges, and to help drive the urgently needed structural changes in the systems that care for birthing people in the U.S. today.

The Potential for NACPM State Chapters & Partners

The promise of a National Association of Certified Professional Midwives is the creation of a collective voice for the profession, the model of care, and the benefits that accrue to birthing people, babies and families from CPM care. Achieving our bold, shared goals of improving the perinatal care system and outcomes for birthing people will require significant change at both the state and national levels.

States have authority over CPM licensing, scope of practice and governance. Federal agencies develop laws and policies guiding health care delivery, access, reimbursement and innovation that impact CPMs at the state and local level. CPMs need an effective, coordinated structure between midwives at the local level and national leadership to be most effective in enhancing our national influence and to supporting progress in the states and territories. There are many examples of the need for national/state partnerships, including:

  • Supporting licensure for CPMs in all 50 states

  • Achieving recognition of CPMs as primary birth care providers who are integral to our perinatal care system

  • Creating opportunities to grow a strong and racially and ethnically representative CPM workforce

  • Eliminating obstacles to payment and improvement reimbursement rates

A structure for relationships among the states/jurisdictions/territories and a national professional association has been a significant missing piece in the development of direct-entry midwifery in the United States. Developing the NACPM State Chapters & Partners Program and building a structure for these relationships are critical next steps in advancing the CPM profession.

Specifically, NACPM national leadership and NACPM Chapters work together to:

  • Build a more cohesive, influential, diverse & effective CPM workforce

  • Empower, connect & support CPMs across the country

  • Influence national & state policy about the value of CPMs

  • Advocate for regulation that supports autonomous midwifery practice

  • Organize CPMs at national & state levels to promote effective public policy

  • Share success stories, best practices, resources & learnings

  • Provide educational opportunities

  • Increase public awareness about the importance of normal physiologic birth

NACPM offers two paths for groups in the states/territories to be part of a unified voice for CPMs and to have a formal connection with NACPM.

NACPM Chapters are legal subordinates of NACPM and have the same membership categories, and similar by-laws. They are under NACPM’s 501c6 tax-exempt designation and Directors and Officers Insurance. The NACPM Chapter program is ideal for a group just forming since we provide significant legal and technical assistance, by laws and articles of incorporation templates, and provide ongoing administrative support for fundraising, filling taxes and processing memberships. Existing organizations can also become a Chapter but there are additional steps needed to become aligned with NACPM’s legal structure. See more on “How to Become a Chapter” below.

The NACPM State/Territory Partner Program (aka “Partners”) is for existing midwifery organizations/associations that are already incorporated, have bylaws, their own tax-exempt status, different membership voting categories, or other structural or historical barriers to modifying their structure to become a Chapter. Over the last ten years its become clear that NACPM needed to create a mechanism for existing groups to more easily be formally connected to NACPM; but without some of the technical/legal barriers that kept several existing associations from becoming chapters. Our goal is to widen the collective voice for CPM’s and the Partner Program will help facilitate that goal. See more on “How to Become a Partner” below.

Benefits of becoming a State Chapter or Partner

NACPM is committed to supporting State Chapters & Partners (C&Ps) by providing resources and tools for state/territory leaders.

This includes:

  • The opportunity to work together toward a shared vision, mission and goals

  • Opportunities to share learnings via quarterly C&Ps Leader Collaboration Calls

  • Ongoing sharing and support through our C&P Google group

  • State leader toolkits

  • National and state level policy examples, data and position statements

  • Legislative, regulatory and technical assistance

  • Regular articles in the NACPM Newsletter highlighting activities of C&Ps

In addition to the benefits listed above, Chapters receive the following additional operational and financial support:

  • Processing of chapter memberships (Chapters set their own dues)

  • Ongoing direct deposit of chapter membership funds and access to their membership lists and information

  • NACPM financially supports Chapters by annually contributing back to a Chapter 20% of national memberships associated with that Chapter.

  • Inclusion in NACPM’s Directors and Officers insurance

  • Assistance and support with organizational structure, legal and tax responsibilities

  • As a part of NACPM, chapters are tax exempt under NACPM’s IRS group ruling and do not have to go through the process or expense of applying for federal tax exemption individually. NACPM also annually files taxes for Chapters.

  • Extension of NACPM’s fiscal sponsor relationships and fundraising platforms that enhance Chapters abilities to fundraise

  • Option of creating a State Chapter webpage on NACPM’s website. See our growing list of NACPM State Chapters here.

We welcome your state’s* participation in these exciting program options to support CPMs and to increase CPM influence on the perinatal care system.

How to Start a Chapter:

  1. Review the Chapter Launch Packet

  2. Complete the Intention to Form a State Chapter application

  3. Conduct an Intro Call with the Chapters and Partners Coordinator

  4. Complete the application steps included in the Chapter Launch Packet

  5. If your application is approved by the NACPM Board, complete the legal formation steps included in the Chapter Launch Packet – see also Chapter Formation Documents

    Contact us at at any time with your questions and suggestions. Our Chapters & Partners Program Coordinator is happy to assist you and walk you through the steps of forming a Chapter.

How to Become a Partner:

  1. Review the Partner Launch Packet

  2. Complete the Intent to Become a NACPM State/Territory Partner Application

  3. Conduct an Intro Call with the Chapters and Partners Coordinator

  4. Complete a Value Alignment Self Evaluation Form

  5. The NACPM Board will consider the application

  6. If approved to become a Partner, utilize the NACPM Partner Badge on your website, participate in leader activities and communication, and work together toward our shared vision and goals.

    Contact us at at any time with your questions and suggestions. Our Chapters and Partners Program Coordinator is happy to assist you and walk you through the steps of becoming a Partner.

If you are interested in becoming a State Chapter or Partner or learning more about our programs, please contact us at today! 

* The term “state” is inclusive of jurisdictions and territories.